Tips for Traveling with Kids: How to Make Family Travel Easier

Travel Tips

Tips for Travelling with Kids: How to Make Family Travel Easier

Travelling with kids can be a rewarding yet challenging experience. With a bit of preparation and the right gear, you can ensure a smooth journey for the whole family. Whether you're embarking on a short flight or an international adventure, these tips will help you manage your trip with ease.

How to Prepare for a Flight with Kids

Book Smart

Choose flights that coincide with your child's sleep schedule to make the journey more comfortable for everyone. If possible, book a direct flight to avoid the hassle of layovers.

Pack Strategically

When flying with kids, especially young ones, your carry-on bag is your lifeline. Make sure to include essentials like snacks, nappies, wipes, a change of clothes, and a few of their favourite toys.


Keeping your kids entertained during the flight is crucial. Bring along their favourite gadgets or consider an audio player like the Yoto Mini Player & Headphones. This device offers a screen-free way to keep them entertained with stories and music. Small activity toys are also a good option but if you don’t have these a Busy Bag is perfect - packed with entertainment and ready to grab and go.

Comfort Items

Don't forget comfort items such as blankets, pillows, or their favourite stuffed animal. These items can help make an unfamiliar environment feel more like home.

What is Needed When Traveling with a Child?

Essential Documents

Ensure you have all necessary documents, including passports, visas, and any required vaccination records. It's also wise to have copies of these documents stored in a separate bag or digitally.

Health and Safety

Pack a small first-aid kit with band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and any medications your child might need. Include a thermometer and any prescription medications in your carry-on bag.

Travel Gear

Invest in a good quality kids backpack and suitcase to help your child feel involved in the travel process. A backpack can be useful for them to carry their own snacks, toys, and other small items.

Travelling with a Toddler Checklist

Traveling with a toddler requires a bit more preparation. Here’s a comprehensive checklist to ensure you don't forget anything important:


  • Nappies and wipes
  • Extra clothes
  • Snacks and drinks
  • Dummies and bottles
  • Blankets and comfort items
  • Stroller or baby carrier
  • Entertainment
  • Books and travel toys
  • Tablet with headphones
  • Colouring books and crayons

Health and Hygiene

  • First-aid kit
  • Hand sanitiser and wipes
  • Sunscreen and insect repellent (if needed)

Sleeping Arrangements

  • Travel crib or portable bed if you’re staycationing
  • Sleep sack or favourite blanket
  • Nightlight


  • Bibs and utensils
  • Portable high chair or booster seat
  • Non-perishable snacks and meals

International Travel with Kids

Research and Plan Ahead

Before travelling internationally, research your destination thoroughly. Understand the local customs, healthcare facilities, and any travel advisories. Plan your itinerary to include kid-friendly activities and allow for plenty of downtime.

Packing Tips

When packing for international travel, consider the climate and culture of your destination. Pack appropriate clothing and footwear for your kids. Don’t forget to bring necessary medications, a first-aid kit, and copies of important documents.

Staying Healthy

Make sure your kids are up-to-date on vaccinations. Carry a travel health kit that includes items like a thermometer, pain relievers, and rehydration salts. It’s also helpful to have a list of local emergency contacts and the address of the nearest hospital.

Comfort and Routine

Maintaining some of your child's regular routines can help ease the transition to a new environment. Bring along familiar items like their favourite blanket, pillow, or stuffed animal. Try to keep mealtimes and bedtimes consistent with what they are used to at home.

Traveling with kids can be a memorable adventure with the right preparation and mindset. By planning ahead and bringing along essential items and entertainment options, you can ensure a smoother, more enjoyable journey for everyone. Safe travels!

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